Authors: Francesco Bassi, Giulio Preti, Gianmario Schierano
Soft cover
248 pages full color
Size: 21×30,5cm
Published: 2013
Also available in: Italian
Implant placement is not an end unto itself. What the patient requests in substitution of his missing teeth is a prosthesis that can integrate them both functionally and esthetically. Application of a prosthesis, which can vary greatly depending on all the different individual conditions, completely obeys the precepts of traditional prosthetics, even in the case of implant support.
A prosthesis supported by intraosseous implants is different from a traditional prosthesis for another characteristic, too: the relationship between implant and bone is not, in fact, an even minimally articulated one, as is the relationship between the alveolus and root of the natural tooth. The direct contact between the metal and bone is rigid, ankylotic. There is no micro-yielding of the periodontal ligament nor any positional mini-adaptations allowed by the handling of the alveolar bone and the radicular cement. Because of this there is absolute need to respect the prosthetic procedures in order to have a harmonious restoration of the occlusion that is subject to significant functional stress, not only axial but also transversal and torsional.
This interdependence between the two designs is the raison d’être of this work, which is the condensation of a strongly consolidated activity, carried out under the guide of Prof. Preti together with his two precious collaborators Profs. Bassi and Schierano. We should also mention the authoritative contributions by several student-colleagues who participated in the productive research activity and clinical application that have received so much recognition and awards, especially internationally.
To properly complete this exposition of the specific problems of dental prosthetic rehabilitation, a chapter has been dedicated to Periodontology and therefore entrusted to Prof. Aimetti and his collaborators. The periodontist’s participation with the implant team is important, as we can easily imagine, for correct maintenance of the prosthetic implant over time. The rules of hygiene are in fact essential, particularly at the neck of the teeth where the barrier to the septic environment of the oral cavity is given by the juxtaposition of the gums to the metal. Longevity of most implants, as well as experimental findings (the referred statistics, especially international ones, have success rates we could define as overwhelming) have disproved worries about this being a possible entry way for infection. Moreover, the periodontist’s participation, as well as that of an endodontist, starts from the very beginning with the planning of the intervention, when deciding whether the compromised teeth can be saved or not, when they may still be responsive to treatment.
The rich array of images and photographic documentation that completes and illustrates the text testifies to the great experience of the Authors, who have been able so effectively and descriptively to condense the knowledge collected and developed in thirty years of prolific clinical and research activity.
Remo Modica
Professor Emeritus, University of Turin, Italy
CHAPTER 1 - Why it is important to know the causes of tooth loss
CHAPTER 2 - Patient selection in dental implant rehabilitation
CHAPTER 3 - What does the success of dental implant rehabilitation depend on?
CHAPTER 4 - Mandibular dynamics and the construction principles of prosthetics
CHAPTER 5 - Partial edentulism. When should we intervene? How should we intervene? When is it advisable to use implants?
CHAPTER 6 - Implant retained complete denture
CHAPTER 7 - Fixed bridge in the edentulous mandible
CHAPTER 8 - Fixed bridge in the edentulous maxilla
prof. giulio preti
Honorary Professor of the University of Turin.
He directed the Chair of Dental Prosthetics of the Dental School from 1987 to 2006. He is a member of the Turin Academy of Medicine.
He wrote textbooks in Italian, English and Spanish with his students.
He has lectured by invitation in Europe, the United States, Canada, China, Japan, Russia and the Middle East.
The President of the Republic awarded him the Knighthood of the Grand Cross.
The International Journal of Prosthodontics dedicated a profile to him.

francesco bassi md
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1982 and specialized in Odontostomatology in 1988, university researcher in 1991 and full professor in 2000 at the University of Turin, currently he works in the Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Maxillofacial Prosthesis and Dental Implants, CIR Dental Scool, Department of Surgical Sciences. He is president of the degree course in Dental Hygiene and Director of the 1st level Master’s Degree “Oral Health in Disadvantaged Communities and Low Income Countries”.
He belongs to the MIUR Register of Auditors. He has been a reviewer of international journals and associate editor of the International Journal of Prosthodontics since 2004.
He is the author of about 100 papers, 41 of which in impacted international journals, on dental prostheses, oral implants and mandibular physiology. He is co-author of books in Spanish, English and Italian.
gianmario schierano md
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, specialized in odontostomatology, post-graduate specialization course in Maxillofacial Prosthesis, University of Nijmegen (NL).
University researcher from 1994 to 2005, associate professor from 2006 to today in prosthetics and oral implantology, University of Turin, Department of Surgical Sciences, CIR Dental School, Prosthetics Section.
Didactic activity: Dental Materials and Advanced Implant Prosthetics
Research activity: Oral Implantology, Dental Prosthetics and Dental Materials.
He has produced more than 100 scientific publications, 30 of which in international journals, concerning oral implantology, dental prostheses and dental materials. He is co-author of books in Spanish, English and Italian and 2 Multimedia CD-ROMs.
He belongs to the Register of Auditors for the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). He is reviewer of international journals and associate editor of the journal “Case reports in Dentistry”
Founding member of the International Piezosurgery Academy and President of the Scientific Committee of the same Academy.