Fatty Tissue Excess
A minimally invasive approach to the fatty tissue excess
Author: Stefano Toschi
Soft cover
113 pages full color
Size: 21×28cm
Published: 2017
Also available in: Italian
It is not only in the spirit of friendship but also with a duly critical eye that I read the volume on the “Minimally invasive approach to excess fatty tissue” and the relative technique of “Lipid emulsion” that my friend Stefano Toschi asked me to evaluate. I must recognize that from the very first pages Dr. Toschi kept me engaged with the meticulous attention he dedicated to the description of this condition. One that is very widespread in the population and also very controversial because often considered, alas, only an aesthetic problem, ignoring the delicate consequences of a silent disease that over time insinuates itself into the fatty tissue and which can sometimes lead to serious complications that could have been averted with careful preventative therapy. All this bears witness to the commitment Stefano has dedicated to the analysis of the genesis of localized fat and its specific traits, but also to its transformation in the much more controversial sclerotic fibrous edematous panniculopathy (P.E.F.S.), very common in females starting at a very young age.
This text can be appreciated particularly for its clarity and the consequential logic we see when dealing with the physiopathological aspects and the therapeutic protocol that can be recommended even in the more advanced stages of the disease.
Retracing the explanatory lines together with the individual moments involved was for me a welcome moment of reflection and a chance to focalize on the essential aspects of the various stages of its evolution. The many years of experience that Stefano has successfully dedicated to the study and development of the “lipid emulsion” method are particularly interesting and significant for the seriousness with which he has taken on this problem.
Again, compliments to Dr. Stefano Toschi for his labor, his dedication to this material and for his methodological intuition.
Alberto Massirone
Founder and President of Agorà-Amiest - Italian Society Specialized in Aesthetic Medicine.
Founder and Director of the Post-University School of Aesthetic Medicine of Agorà-Amiest of Milan.
Adjunct Professor of Aethetic Medicine at the School of Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the University of Milan.
stefano toschi MD
Born in Venice – Mestre on 12/1/1962.
Medical Director at the Plastic Surgery Operating Unit of the Ospedale dell’Angelo in Mestre.
Classical high school diploma at Liceo R. Franchetti in Mestre obtained in 1980 after only 4 years of school attendance.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Parma on 7/4/1987 with a thesis entitled: “Current diagnostic and surgical guidelines in the treatment of primary skin melanoma”.
Specialization with honors in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at the University of Parma on 6/7/1992 with a thesis entitled: “Plastic Surgery in the treatment of Transsexualism”.
Master in Aesthetic Medicine with full marks at the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of the Fatebenefratelli Foundation in Rome in 2001 with a thesis entitled “Use of vasoactive mesotherapy in the survival of difficult skin flaps”.
Operating cases including over 4000 interventions of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
Author of 83 scientific publications relating to Plastic Surgery in national and international journals.
Participation as speaker, moderator and auditor at over 300 congresses and refresher courses relating to Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine in Italy and abroad.
Founder and President of the LESC Medical Association.
International Medical Advisor for training courses related to Body Contouring using percutaneous ultrasound.
Author of the scientific protocol and international guidelines of LESC and CELLUBLUNT techniques.