Clinical Dermoscopic Atlas Clinical Dermoscopic Atlas - Officina Editoriale Oltrarno Clinical Dermoscopic Atlas - Officina Editoriale Oltrarno
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Clinical Dermoscopic Atlas


Author: Giovanni Di Lorenzo

Soft cover
176 pages full color
Size: 21x29cm

Published: 2015

Category: Tag: Editor:

I have accepted with great pleasure to present this work by my friend and colleague, Giovanni Di Lorenzo.
The richness and high quality of the images justify the effort, love and competence given by the author in accomplishing this activity.
I have personally participated in the construction of this experience over the years, supplying support in histopathology.
Over time the two activities have been refined and where possible diagnostic evaluations have coincided more and more.
I thank him for having invited me to write these lines since it gives me the chance to reaffirm that despite all, morphology maintains its role as the backbone of medical knowledge and that this is what we continue to consult in order to validate the results of “progress”.
However, let us not forget that “the eye sees what the mind knows” (Wolfgang Goethe).

Prof. Marcello Filotico
Specialist in Anatomy and Pathologic Histology
Former Chief at the V. Fazzi Hospital, Lecce


The radical excision of a skin growth considered atypical, according to codified criteria, or else the conservative surgical removal of growths believed to be benign, especially in regions with high esthetic impact, has always meant an unavoidable and consolidated procedure for the surgeon.
With this goal in mind, to improve diagnostic accuracy and to allow correct surgical management, the author feels the need to correlate the clinical appearance of a growth with “sub-macroscopic” images using a noninvasive diagnostic technique able to reveal criteria and morphological patterns that are not visible to the naked eye.
Thus many years ago this educational journey and clinical professional experience came about (necessary for the plastic surgeon, who also deals with these pathologies), represented by the knowledge and use of dermoscopy, a simple routine technique for managing the diagnostics of diseases of the skin and others, and which today still continues to hold new attainments but also surprises.
Ten years later the author has collected in this treatise on clinical dermoscopy a prevalently illustrative series of skin neoplasms with essential dermoscopic references, specific for each chapter, even if there are some cases that are difficult from a diagnostic-clinical and histopathological point of view.

Dr. Giovanni Di Lorenzo


giovanni di lorenzo MD

Dr. Giovanni Di Lorenzo is a surgeon specializing in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery. Already help in emergency surgery and first aid at the S. Caterina Novella Hospital in Galatina in the province of Lecce. He was director of the simple operative structure of dermo-surgery at the S. Caterina Novella hospital in Galatina.
He is characterized as the author of numerous scientific publications.