Aesthetic Medicine for the Perioral Area
Author: Alessio Redaelli
168 pages full color
Size: 21x28cm
Published: 2014
Also available in: Italian (2024 updated edition)
It is with sincere pleasure that I have accepted to present this very interesting volume dedicated to esthetic medicine in dentistry, the latest prestigious undertaking by my friend Alessio Redaelli.
I met Alessio in 2008 when through the efforts of Professors Favero and Cocito the Master’s program in the esthetics of the oral and perioral tissues in dentistry was introduced in Padua. The preparation and great passion Alessio has demonstrated on more than one occasion find their rightful coronation in this work that promises to be an indispensable aid for training the modern dentist.
The increase in quality of life and life expectancy in the population with the resulting prolonging of the need for a sentimental sphere even by the older segment of the population has resulted in a growing demand by our patients for an integral esthetic result that is not limited exclusively to an excellent dental restoration but that also involves the overall esthetics of the perioral tissues. From this springs the need for dentists to know the possibilities and limits of esthetic surgery to support and perfect their work.
In fact, in this volume, as well as a section dedicated specifically to exclusively dental treatments, through extensive and carefully chosen illustrations there is also a complete panorama of the possibilities offered by the use of peels, fillers and botulinum toxin in reshaping ad rejuvenating the lower third of the face.
Finally, I believe that particular praise must be given to the concept of a quick guide by Dr. Redaelli, according to whom learning about the potential of these techniques is not intended to be an invitation to the dentist to “change jobs” but, on the contrary, should represent the stimulus to interdisciplinary collaboration between the dentist and the esthetic surgeon/physician, something now indispensable for anyone who hopes to offer his patients the best results possible.
In this sense the subtitle of the work “Medical techniques for completing dental treatment plans” is perfect.
Let me conclude by wishing this work all the success it deserves.
Prof. Edoardo Stellini
Director of Clinical Dentistry
University of Padua
I had to pleasure of meeting Alessio (now Prof. Redaelli) several years ago during a conference of esthetic medicine in Poland where there were many Italian guest speakers!
Upon that occasion my suitcase arrived 24 hours late and I didn’t have any decent clothes for participating in the conference. Alessio offered his help with a designer shirt, among other things!
He was so kind and open that I couldn’t say no and thanks to him I gave my talk and participated in the conference honorably!
Without asking for anything I was struck by the sincerity and kindness of a person I didn’t even know! This is something that we don’t see anymore, considering the egotism and selfishness that has invaded our lives and spirits.
I wanted to further this relationship and saw that Alessio was a world class speaker (it is known that Italian universities are in 70th place in the world classification, so surely not high level), speaks French and English perfectly and teaches in a particularly practical and intuitive way. Listening to him it is obvious he has great experience with BTxA and fillers and that he knows all the little tricks and possible side effects.
Alessio’s kindness was not limited to Poland! After the conference, when I went to give him back his shirt, not only did he tell me it wasn’t necessary but he also invited me to his home for a plate of pasta with his family and helped me write about and take some photos of my techniques in lifting the tip of the nose using endopeel for his book of esthetic medicine. Finally, I am a terrible writer and have never studied Italian but Alessio, to help me and to do me a favor, did 99% of the work I should have done myself!
I must say now that I am proud to know him as a wonderful friend considering that he is becoming increasingly famous around the world thanks to his scientific knowledge and the books he has written, useful and practical for anyone practicing esthetic medicine and now also for the dentists who are the specialists in dealing with the perioral region.
Alessio also knows how to transform an “enemy” into a friend and this is an incredible potential, a synonym for peace and deontology.
I am an ORL and facial plastic surgeon: I have always been amazed at how a vascular surgeon can know the nose so well, and now the perioral area, leading him to write a book on medical rhinoplasty and now this one on esthetic dentistry, useful not only specifically for dentists but for all specialists wanting to improve their knowledge of the middle-lower thirds of the face. It is a thorough and practical book that I certainly recommend.
I suggested to the site, the number 1 internet site in the world for esthetic medicine in the search engines, to put Alessio as the esthetic physician of the year 2013: that is what they did and we are all happy about it.
Alain Tenenbaum
Specialist in ORL and cervical-facial surgery,
aeronautic and cosmonautic medicine and physiology,
biophysics and treatment of the signal
and in biomathematics and biostatistics.
Great expert in peeling and inventor of the endopeel technique.
I don’t think anyone in Italy can contradict the fact that I have been one of the pioneers in teaching dentists the techniques of esthetic medicine, as I have been doing since 2006-2007.
After following my practical classes or taking the Master’s in the esthetics of oral and perioral tissues in dentistry that is offered by the University of Padua, so many dentists daily and correctly use the techniques of esthetic medicine in their studies to complete their dental treatment plans.
Over these years I have found, as always happens to pioneers, numerous supporters (for the most part) and numerous opponents who believe that this interest of mine is not well-directed, if not even out of place, providing the definite article to a course on esthetics that in fact has not always been, even for me, within the limits of what a “degree in dentistry” has provided since its origins.
Today numerous refresher initiatives intended for dentists flourish at every esthetic or dental conference with sessions that are created for and focused on them.
Therefore, I take this occasion to highlight the philosophy I have had more than one occasion to express at conferences, courses and numerous sessions that at this point proliferate in the field of esthetic dentistry:
Dentists do not have to change jobs to become esthetic doctors, instead they have to learn how to be even more complete esthetic dentists, if possible.
Thus the techniques of esthetic medicine that are described thoroughly in this book come to be a part of a broad specialty, dentistry, that in the modern age cannot do without also treating the perioral tissues as a completion of dental treatment plans.
In fact, it is unthinkable that after long intra- and perioral work the dentist would not be able to finish this work, to frame this intraoral work with filler or reducing by just a little the force of the masticatory muscles with the skillful use of botulinum toxin. The patient will understand the rationale perfectly and willingly go to a specialist of the perioral area to then continue the strictly esthetic work by a specialist in this field, an esthetic doctor, without there being need for the dentist to endeavor in indications that don’t regard him.
Therefore this volume comes into being in the view of a reciprocal and important collaboration with all the other specialists of the area, whether dermatologists or plastic surgeons based on respect for each one’s role, interests and specific knowledge and has the goal to emphasize, describe and share the techniques that in my humble opinion are and must become a part of the technical and clinical baggage of the modern dentist.
This book has been studied and written and should be in any case interesting even for those colleagues of esthetic medicine who want to know more about the matter. I don’t want to tell all my readers how fast techniques change and are updated, especially basing the treatments on practical experience. There are thousands of renewed or completely changed practices in respect to my previous books and therefore they are of certain interest even for physicians, dermatologists or esthetic doctors who are interested in the rejuvenation of the middle and lower thirds of the face.
My approach, as in all of my books is strictly practical, so that my colleagues, especially those who have taken the courses, can find inside it a useful compendium in order to put into practice what they have learned or find the fundamental steps of esthetic techniques.
Instead, they will not find techniques that are not of specific dental competence, those which I often hear dentists call “pure” but which, in my humble opinion, don’t really have anything to do with true esthetic dentistry.
Hoping I have been useful in completing this slice of strictly dental competence, I remain at disposition for any further discussion, with the aim of improving what I hope is a forthcoming second edition.
Alessio Redaelli
Alessio Redaelli MD
He received his degree in 1979 and specialized in Vascular Surgery and Esthetic Medicine in Milan. He still works and studies in Milan today.
He founded Medical Aesthetic, a leader in the teaching of esthetic medicine to doctors and dentists.
He participated in the creation of the master in “aesthetics of the oral and perioral tissues” for dentists offered at the University of Padua and is professor and member of its coordinating committee at the Department of Medical-Surgical Specialization of the University of Padua (Director: Prof. E. Stellini).
He holds practical courses in Italy and abroad regarding aesthetic medicine and is a teacher and official faculty member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM).
He is a teacher in the principal Italian schools of aesthetic medicine.
He has published numerous scientific articles regarding esthetic medicine and vascular surgery and some well-known books on aesthetic medicine.
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