Facial Anatomy & Volumizing Injection – Superior and... Dentistry Books - Officina Editoriale Oltrarno Dentistry Books - Officina Editoriale Oltrarno
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Books on Dentistry

The Dentistry section of Officina Editoriale Oltrarno offers a wide range of books and practical manuals dedicated to the relationship between dentists and the world of aesthetics.

Manuals of dentistry for aesthetic medicine

Dentistry encompasses many aspects both medical and surgical. Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that aims to improve the aesthetics of the smile and the functionality of the teeth. However, it often deals with repairing treatments, such as ceramic inlays used to treat cavities and replace defective fillings. Thanks to modern technologies and cutting-edge materials, cosmetic dentistry professionals can make stained, crooked, decayed, or chipped teeth natural.

The main treatments of cosmetic dentistry are:
- Dental prostheses: they are used in cosmetic dentistry to replace one or more missing teeth so that the smile has a natural appearance.
-Teeth whitening: it is a treatment that serves to restore the natural color of teeth that are stained due to the consumption of coffee, wine, and smoking. Powerful whitening agents used to whiten teeth discolor both enamel and dentin color. The dentist monitors all stages to allow the levels of the whitening agent to be adjusted.
-Dental veneers: these are ceramic shells that are placed on the front of the tooth and are used to hide stained or chipped teeth.
-Composite restoration: it is used as a valid alternative to veneers. The procedure consists of cementing a resin on the tooth with a specific wavelength.
-Crowns: they are used to cover a damaged tooth and give it a natural appearance.
Over the years, the field of aesthetic medicine has come to intersect with dentistry concerning the treatment of the lower middle third using injection techniques of hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin, and chemical peels. The perioral area, in particular the lips (for example the highly requested Russian Lip or Paris Lip) and marionette lines, are the subject of many of our books. These, as well as the correction of the gummy smile or bruxism, are meant to represent a valid tool for initial study, in depth-study, and consultation dedicated to all specialists who work in this field and who give particular importance to the aesthetics of the smile.

Videos, illustrations, clinical cases, tables, and informed consent are frequently updated on the dedicated web page. 

Our books satisfy professional needs with an increasingly in-depth knowledge of everything related to the areas to be treated, their functions, and problems, not neglecting changes in terminology and nomenclature. The topics of our dentistry texts are easy to consult, clear in the descriptions, and above all, are accurate in the images (photos of clinical cases and illustrations).

The printed version is supplemented by scientific data and research perspectives through frequent updates and dedicated web pages on which it is possible to find additional iconographies, videos, informed consents, and information for the patient.

Best Authors on Dentistry for Aesthetic Medicine Professionals

All our books are written by leading experts in the field and will help you hone your skills and increase your skills in the field. These volumes are a practical tool not only for residents and young dentists in training but also for experienced doctors, always attentive to the changes that have occurred in recent times thanks to the use of new discoveries and technologies.

Facial Anatomy & Volumizing Injection – Superior and...

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